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(1 edit) (+2)

So what do i do after getting the mushrooms?  cause i can't do anything beside go to different maps and there is no one to talk to or click on

I'm so sorry for that bug. Please start a new game and try again. I'm working on a fix for that bug but it seems to be very random :(


so after gathering the mushrooms and every other thing you can click on in the forest you can't turn them in.

I don't get exactly what your trying to say but I think you're talking about a game bug. If you have collected all of the mushrooms on the forest and the game doesn't change automatically into a new scene please start a new game. I'm still trying to find why is that bug happening

I'm so sorry for the inconvenience :(


Soon an update for the Android version will be available ?

I did try to make an Android version but for some reason it doesn't work properly...

The next update, I promise :)

(1 edit) (+1)

The game is good. But I did notice you got rid of the character log and quest log also some of the navigation as well.  

In my personal opinion I like the game before. it was simple and straight forward.

Thank you so much for your feedback. You unlock the time skipping, character/quest log and girls log icons/functions later in the game(after the last scene on this version). I just wanted to add something like "mini tutorials" at the beggining of the gameplay. Eventually (maybe in one or two versions) the game will have all of the content from previous versions(rainy days/H events/all of the locations) but you will need to unlock these functions so they will make more sense and will have a lot more content. 
I'll try to make it more simple and straight forward from now.


I like this game so far. One bug i've noticed is that on rainydays when you go to the center of the covenent a white box appears at the top middle of the screen. 

That's very weird, I've never noticed that before but I'll keep an eye on it from now on. Although it doesn't even matter since the new version will be pretty much a new game and a lot of the old and buggy code is gone... or at least I hope so...


Will another free version come out? If it is a yes, when will it come out?

Yes, a new version will be released this week but only for patreons. The next public version will be released on August but it will be a HUGE update. I'm so sorry for the delay on the updates but I've been very busy with my full-time job and since this is (at least for now) a hobby I can't spend a lot of time working on it :)


how do i open on mac? after i unzip it

You need to install WineHQ and execute the .exe or install Python and execute the .py. Although I think you can simply run the .sh ->


Great Game cant wait for more updates

Thank you so much for commenting. The next update will be released on July 7th for Patreons :)


I love this game

Thank you so much!


I like the game but I think the writing should improve. Things like none of the girls getting a real surprise when they find out the MC is a guy or them having sex with them just because (I can pass Elizabeth and Melinda but Annie doesn't make any sense at all). But overall, for a very early game, it's a good game and you can enjoy it


Thank for your feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed the game:) I'm constantly trying to improve my writing skills and comments like yours help me a LOT. Thank you so much, I'll try to do it better the next time


This is false. My nuns at church arent like this.


Are you sure about that? ;)


...and his name is JOHN CENA!!! tu-tu tu-du


This app does not let me install properly on my android.


Do you have any idea to help me with install properly on my phone by chance?

(1 edit) (+1)

That link might help you, if it doesn't, please give me more information about the issue. I hope it helps you :)


Thanks, it's worked!




Android version will be available in May... I hope so...


Ohhh thanks:)))))))))



Android versions require extra steps, ie downloading packages, configurations and code. And the shitty thing is the 2 Gb apk limit imposed on some Android devices. There is a hard limit for 4 Gb on Android APK's.

I already knew that since the next month I'll try to release an android version. There's some tutorials on Youtube which I found very helpful nevertheless I still don't know if they work since I haven't tried them yet


Is there going to be futa-on-male?


I don't know exactly what you mean but you're the only man in the entire game
I hope that helps :)


he/she means man gets fucc by futa 



(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah i like games being the only male in the game, i hope u will make it for android soon, since my pc is broken😂🥲

Sorry for your PC. Yes, I hope I'll finish adding the navigation/sandbox and RPG gameplay in the next two weeks and then I'll start working on the mobile version :)


It seems every Dev is adding mini games to their visual novels. Just a heads up, not everyone will be able to play mini games, like me for example. I have really bad eye sight where I'm basically blind so I can't play mini games which sucks cause I've come across alot I want to try out. But when I see they have mini games, I have to skip that visual novel. I want to try ths game when you get "H" scenes in hehe,


You're totally right. Not everybody can or want to play mini games in visual novels, I never thought about it since they are the part I enjoy the most. Maybe in the next version I'll add a "skip mini game" button or something like that
Thank you so much for your feedback I really appreciate it!

PS: The game has some H scenes already, they're just a few since I started learning Koikatsu and Ren'py like a month ago and I made this demo in about 10 days :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I tried Koikatsu but couldn't get the animations exported right. It took me five minutes to learn Ren'py since I'm a programmer. I'm actually working on a Visual Novel aswell, but since we lost our artist. I have to start using Stable Diffusion.

One more thing. I found a misword. Where Momo tells the player she's getting tired of the player's questions. You have "making" instead of "asking". lol.


Note: Accessibility options are nice and not hard to do.

For example have any of you heard of the Dyslexic friendly font called "OpenDyslexic"?

It's common to use flashes for sex scenes climaxes but some people are sensitive to flash effects.  A toggle to turn it off is good.

Font size and font selection are a good bonus options to have from the pref. menu

I do have my projects open-sourced, which others are free to copy and use the code for their projects.


You're totally right my friend. Thank you so much for the advices

(1 edit) (+1)

There, made a page for stuff related to Renpy + Koikatsu. There's some PDF files there for the topic of screenshots and animations.

Edit : I've added some beginner gallery tutorials. I plan to add  free assets as well.

(1 edit) (+1)

As for exporting Koikatsu animations, have you tried exporting them to webm for Renpy? I found that so far VP8 encoded webm animations work well for Renpy, especially for looping animations. VP9 right now needs to be fixed for Ren'py which would likely be for the next update 8.1

Usually selecting the option for length by animation instead of by seconds works well for Koikatsu animation exporting.

I'd probably would be better off making a short tutorial video on it and putting it on LBRY/Odyssey instead of YouTube.

I do export them to webm but in VP9 because of the smaller file size. I've tried to use the animation length option but it can't be selected for some reason so I've been using seconds option, that's way in some animations Momo's tail looks a little bit weird.

I think it'd be great if you make a tutorial about it since I still have a lot to learn :)


I've been making images and content with a resolution of 2560 x 1440. Even webm animations with both VP9 and VP8. I've noticed that with Renpy, that webm animations encoded with vp9 have a slight lag. But that's getting fixed in the next Renpy update.

There is an option to only record only the animation frames, it's works pretty good for looping animations, so that they loop cleaner. I've tried the seconds before but they loop a bit funny if you don't get the animation timing down.

I might just make a short and simple PDF document on the matter. There's a Koikatsu discord server that's pretty helpful, but plenty of them hate on those using Renpy + Koikatsu.

I might put the tutorial of it on a Itchio page, as a sort of learning asset. There's also these free and open-sourced projects you can learn from.


Thank you so much for the help  and docs :)

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